
Continuous control and monitoring of the greenhouse factors can be considered as a pivotal part in the production practices. The rate of crop’s growth highly influenced by the surrounding optimal climate conditions, but in order to do so, they required sets of expensive and complex equipment. Conventional systems used an excessive work to link and dispense the transducers and their control systems. One of the reasons why it’s expensive is the requirement of the systems of having a wide range of power wires and data cables to and from the sensors to control systems. Plus, for users such as growers and planters for businesses are having difficulties to monitor and control its system from any remote location with the system applied only allowed to be control from the control room and et cetera. To overcome these drawbacks, this proposal intends to describe how the innovative greenhouse control system can be characterized as an event-based system, where every control actions are primarily deliberated compared to the events formed by instabilities from surrounding elements. Proposed control system offers a costs-saving solution with low maintenance required, as well as producing a great performance results. This solution also with eliminate the over-dependability of the industry to the human workforce today

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