Mobile Interactive Courseware for Dyslexic Children


The importance of education shown through words of Barack Obama, President of United States of America, when he said, 'In an economy where knowledge is the most valuable commodity a person and a country have to offer, the best jobs will go to the best educated - whether they live in the United States or India or China'. The word shows very important and obvious message of the need of education in someone‟s life. The „Mobile Interactive Courseware for Dyslexia Children‟ project is a proposed project for Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS undergraduate final year project. Also known as „YoungLexic‟, it offers a learning experience for dyslexic children by taking standard learning method that are recommended by Government for dyslexia children to mobile phone. YoungLexic also hoped to benefit the child directly, on the other hand to help parents so that they involve more to their dyslexic child learning process. Using Android OS as the platform of the courseware, the module of „World of Knowledge‟ had been chose from a survey done to a group of parents with dyslexic children and topic of “Let‟s Go to the Farm” hope to make learning more meaningful and purposeful. The relevancy of the project is accepted with the evidence of a survey done to a group of Android developers and a group of parents with dyslexic children that shows that the courseware is attractive, interactive and suitable to be use by dyslexic children. This document elaborates on the scope and purpose of this project as well as the theory and methodology used in developing it

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