
Internationalisation and historicisation in Hugh Davies’s international electronic music catalog: a position paper -OR- Hugh Davies: international electronic music champion


In this paper I focus on Hugh Davies's work as a researcher and documenter of electronic music in the 1960s. In particular, I discuss Davies’s work as a champion of two causes in electronic music - internationalisation; and historicisation - explain how these were manifest in his programme of research from 1961-8, and show how these concerns are reflected in subsequent studies that reference Davies's work. This text is a combined transcription of presentations given at the Eighth Biennial International Conference on Music Since 1900 (Liverpool Hope University, 12–15 September 2013) and the Royal Musical Association’s 49th Annual Conference (Institute for Musical Research, London, 19–21 September 2013). An online version (slides and recorded narration) can be viewed at

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