
Evaluating currency crises: A multivariate Markov regime switching approach


This paper provides an empirical framework to analyse the nature of currency crises byextending earlier work of Jeanne and Masson (2000) who suggest that a currency crisismodel with multiple equilibria can be estimated using Markov regime switching (MRS)models. However, Jeanne and Masson (2000) assume that the transition probabilitiesacross equilibria are constant and independent of fundamentals. Thus, currency crisis isdriven by a sunspot unrelated to fundamentals. This paper further contributes to theliterature by suggesting a multivariate MRS model to analyse the nature of currencycrises. In the new set up, one can test for the impact of the unobserved dynamics offundamentals on the probability of devaluation. Empirical evidence shows thatexpectations about fundamentals, which are reflected by their unobserved state variables,not only affect the probability of devaluation but also can be used to forecast a currencycrisis one period ahead

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