Designing a Myro-Compatible Robot for Education as Copyleft Hardware


The application of less conventional teaching techniques shows a growing trend. Studies have shown that the usage of educational robots improves learning in informatics. This work presents the architecture of a vision capable, low-cost robotic system designed and built to be used as an educational platform. We opted for open architecture and copyleft hardware to make our de- velopment shareable with other institutions and agencies, while keeping in mind the costs and complexity associated with the creation of such a platform. By mixing in an embedded Linux system and a vision system, the robotic platform became more powerful and apt for other uses. The robotic system described is used within our Facultad de Inform atica to teach Embedded Systems, to learn and test AI techniques, to teach Programming in an enticing way, and for dissemination extension activ- ities about Computing.V Workshop Procesamiento de Señales y Sistemas de Tiempo RealRed de Universidades con Carreras de Informática (RedUNCI

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