Agent planning, models, virtual haptic computing, and visual ontology


The paper is a basis for multiagent visual computing with the Morph Gentzen logic. A basis to VR computing, computational illusion, and virtual ontology is presented. The IM_BID model is introduced for planning, spatial computing, and visual ontology. Visual intelligent objects are applied with virtual intelligent trees to carry on visual planning. New KR techniques are presented with generic diagrams and appllied to define computable models. The IM Morph Gentzen Logic for computing for multimedia are new projects with important computing applications. The basic principles are a mathematical logic where a Gentzen or natural deduction systems is defined by taking arbitrary structures and multimedia objects coded by diagram functions.The techniques can be applied to arbitrary structures definable by infinitary languages. Multimedia objects are viewed as syntactic objects defined by functions, to which the deductive system is applied.Applications in Artificial Intelligence - AgentsRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

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