Argument comparison criteria analysis


In this work we show a possible form of classification of comparison methods in argumentation systems [AG95,BV,Dung93,PRAK,Sim92]. The main idea in these systems is that any proposition will be accepted as true if there exists an argument that supports it, and this argument is acceptable according to an analysis between it and its counterarguments. This analysis requires a process of comparison of conflicting arguments, in order to decide which one is preferable. After this dialectical analysis in the set of arguments of the system, some of them will be acceptable or justified arguments, while others not. In this classification, the argument comparison method plays a very important role.Eje: Inteligencia Artificial Distribuida, Aspectos Teóricos de la Inteligencia Artificial y Teoría de la ComputaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

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