Molecular evolution: intergenomic comparisons and differential evolutionary rates


How can the variability present among different genomes, diverse regions within the same genome, among or within species be characterized and quantified? What factors influence this variability? Research of our group is aiming at answering these questions. Two kinds of organisms and genetic markers will be considered in the present communication. 1. Twenty-one species of the genus Passiflora, studied in relation to internal transcriber spacers of nuclear ribosomal DNA, as well as the trnL-trnF and psbA- trnH chloroplast spacers; and 2. Twelve Alu insertion polymorphisms, blood group and protein markers among four South American Indian human populations. Characteristics of the DNA regions studied, diversity, rates of change and intersystem comparisons will be examined. Stress will be given to the dialectical relationship of permanence or change in biological systems.Asociación de Antropología Biológica de la República Argentin

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