Advance video analysis system and its applications


This research aims at developing an Advance Video Analysis System (AVAS) which can be used in wide range of video surveillance applications as well as to detect moving objects and human beings. The AVAS is able to detect and track interested objects along with human. It recognizes activities in an application environment, such as in a room, supermarket, car, or security checkpoint. Designing a real-time video analysis system is a complex task, as many factors including processing speed, system cost, accuracy, and robustness, need to be carefully balanced. This research has focused these factors at two levels, algorithm level and software level. Background elimination algorithm is proposed in this paper to enhance the performance of Smart Camera systems in changing background and varying lighting condition environment. Among the main features of this research some are, Event Id, Video Id, and Human Id which give detail information about the events, videos and other tracked objects. Finally, the software implementation of AVAS is applied to detect motion and then to trigger alarm for the security purposes. The system will trigger alarm once the motion is detected and when it exceeds the desire threshold value it will give warning to prevent any loss or mass destruction. Finally, we have given a number of recommendations that need to be addressed for the future growth of surveillance technologies and meeting the end-users' diversified and dynamic requirements. © EuroJournals Publishing, Inc. 2010

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