가입비를 부과하는 양면시장에서 플랫폼 수익에 영향을 주는 주요인들에 대한 연구


학위논문 (석사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 경영학과, 2014. 2. 오정석.In many of two-sided market studies, network externality has been the most attention receiving variable. Li et al. suggested in their work that if platform does not differentiate itself enough, attempt to increase network externality could actually harm platforms profit. In this work, a model was designed to accommodate buyer side access fee, which was not considered in Li et al.s model. Examining newly constructed model, several implications are derived. There are difference makers in each of optimization casesalso no-difference makers. Moreover access fee differences cause uncertainties that are possible to control with platforms access fees for either seller or buyer. Furthermore the finding of common no-difference maker could free platforms from what these no-difference makers represent. Also application of the results to case of professional SNS shows access fee discount of certain platform could be an unnecessary discount. This paper contribute to two-sided market study by providing hints of where to allocate its resource and where not toalso gives shows how each of variables are related and even interacts (particularly seller side access fee and buyer side access fee). Furthermore, the study verifies result of Li et al.s study and shows their result might be lack of generality.1. Introduction 2. Literature Review 3. Model 4. Analysis and Results 4.1. Optimized to Seller Side Access Fee case one 4.2. Optimized to Seller Side Access Fee case two 4.3. Optimized to Buyer Side Access Fee case one 4.4. Optimized to Buyer Side Access Fee case two 4.5. Summary of Analysis 4.6. Case - Professional Social Network Services 5. Conclusion 5.1 Conclusion 5.2 Limitations and suggestions References Appendix 국문초록Maste

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