Study of fusion energy A2158-171


Earth’s population is expected to rise from 7 billion to 10 billion by 2050. With an increased population comes with increased demand for energy. It is estimated that by the 2088, mankind would have run out of coal for energy generation. Burning of fossil fuels have also contributed to environmental effects such as global warming. In the recent decades, nuclear fission plants have steadily stepped up their energy yield and provided us with substantial amounts of power. However, nuclear fission is dangerous and has the potential to wreak havoc on mankind during a nuclear meltdown. Nuclear fission will be crucial in providing power to society however to produce power for the entirety of mankind would be a challenge. Several nuclear fission plants would have to be built and this increases the risk of danger within human spaces. Nuclear fusion on the other hand offers a better alternative to nuclear energy. This form of energy promises the advantages of nuclear fission while being safer. The fuel source for fusion is predominantly taken from seawater which is seen as an inexhaustible supply. While these claims are bold and promising, fusion is far from being commercially available. While the concept is true and proven, practical concepts are far from being economically viable. Fusion conditions are very difficult to achieve. Plasma physicists are trying very hard to tackle these challenges. In this paper, we will examine the methods and concepts that have been conceived in creating fusion reactions. The paper will seek to highlight the method that is seen to be the most probable solution in achieving a fusion futureBachelor of Engineerin

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