Smoking cessation in Malaysian pharmacy curricula: Findings from environmental surveys


Background: Lack of comprehensive training focusing on smoking cessation in the local universities curricula may contribute to suboptimal smoking cessation counselling provision among pharmacists. Aims: The main aim was to identify the gaps in smoking cessation training in pharmacy curricula. The secondary aim was to assess the pharmacy faculty members’ practice and relevant determinants pertaining to smoking cessation counselling. The third aim was to compare the effect of training on these determinants. Method: Key individuals were identified from pharmacy schools to obtain information on tobacco-related teaching. Self-administered questionnaire was distributed to pharmacy faculty members to assess their practice pertaining to smoking cessation counselling. Results: Tobacco-related topics were part of core courses in nine schools with a median teaching duration of 2.75 hours. Practice pertaining to smoking cessation counselling is limited and training has positive effect on practice. Conclusion: A standard curriculum on smoking cessation training is needed to equip the pharmacy undergraduates and faculty members with necessary knowledge and skills

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