Numerical analysis on materials energy absorbing capability under gravity loading impact


Energy absorbers are systems that convert kinetic energy into other forms of energy, such as pressure energy in compressible fluids, elastic strain energy in solids, and plastic defonnation energy in defom1able solids. The process of conversion for plastic defonnation depends, among other factors, on the magnitude and method of application of loads, transmission rates, defonnation displacement pattems, and material properties. The applications of defonnable energy absorbers have been paid serious attention for several decades, for the means of safety. The aim is to minimize the impact by controlling the deceleration pulse during impact, i.e. extending the period of dissipation of kinetic energy. Cushioning devices on vehicle bumpers, crash retarders in emergency systems of lifts, and some crash barriers used as road blocks are everyday examples. The vital application of this work is reliability of energy to absorb massive landing force, for instance the missile safeguards when landing on the ground. The high energy absorbing ability can practically applied into rocket system for sending the chips or any other important materials to the space or far-distant place, thus protecting the chips from damag

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