War for the peace in Pakistan


Pakistan because of its geographical location became a front line state in the war against terror since the attack on the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001. Pakistan decided to align with USA to combat the so-called fundamentalist and Islamic terrorist. During last 5 years about 7000 people were killed and 10,000 were seriously injured. Currently, the biggest threat to the state and citizens is the killing of innocent civilians in suicidal and other attacks. It’s a war whose main purpose is to save people from terrorism. But now lives of Pakistan own citizens are at stake. Before 2001 there were very few citizens in Pakistan who knew about the suicide bombings but today there are very few who do not know about this. Innocent citizens have become the targets of these deadly bombs. It has resulted in much more loss of lives than 9/11 attack. Moreover, law and order situation in the country has constantly deteriorated since 2001. One obvious and tragic price of this open war is the toll of death and destruction. But there is an additional cost, a psychological cost borne by the survivors of war and socio-economic pressure. The civilian victims of war may suffer the greatest psychological harm, for they have not been prepared to manage the stress, shock, and fright of violence. The civilian population, who were drawn away from their safe surroundings and the children who have lost their parents in this war are the real casualties we need to take into consideration. There is need to create awareness on peace among researchers. I feel very much concerned for understanding and discussing these issues from various perspectives, including an Islamic perspective. This presentation will highlight the psycho-social aspects of war which could not achieve peace yet

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