Antiferromagnetic Magnons as Highly Squeezed Fock States underlying Quantum Correlations


Employing the concept of two-mode squeezed states from quantum optics, we demonstrate a revealing physical picture for the antiferromagnetic ground state and excitations. Superimposed on a N\'eel ordered configuration, a spin-flip restricted to one of the sublattices is called a sublattice-magnon. We show that an antiferromagnetic spin-up magnon is comprised by a quantum superposition of states with n+1n+1 spin-up and nn spin-down sublattice-magnons, and is thus an enormous excitation despite its unit net spin. Consequently, its large sublattice-spin can amplify its coupling to other excitations. Employing von Neumann entropy as a measure, we show that the antiferromagnetic eigenmodes manifest a high degree of entanglement between the two sublattices, thereby establishing antiferromagnets as reservoirs for strong quantum correlations. Based on these novel insights, we outline strategies for exploiting the strong quantum character of antiferromagetic (squeezed-)magnons.publishe

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