Modeli morfološkog statusa studentkinja kriminalističko-policijske akademije definisani metodom multikanalne bioelektrične impedance


Multi-year impact of obesity and physical inactivity can lead to negative psycho­social and health consequences, especially for girls-women whose structure has a higher percentage of body fat mass compared with men. The aim of this study was to define the characteristic groups-clusters in terms of morphological space of ACPS female students. The measurements were performed at the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Belgrade, by multichannel bioelectrical impedance method - In Body 720. The sample of examinees were 144 ACPS female students: Age - 19.7 ± 1.1 years; BH-169.28 ± 5.27 cm, BW - 61.28 ± 6.86 kg, BMI - 21.37 ± 1.99 kg"m-2. The basic classification variables were: body weight (BW, kg), intra cellular water (ICW, L), extra cellular water (ECW, L), proteins (kg), minerals (kg), mass of mineral content of bone (osseous, kg), total body fat mass (BFM, kg), skeletal muscle mass (SMM, kg), visceral fat area (VFA, cm2) and body cell mass (BCM kg). The derived variables were: body mass index (BMI, kg m-2), percentage of body fat (PBF, %) and the percentage of skeletal muscle mass (PSMM, %). The results were statistically analyzed using descriptive statistics, cluster analysis and canonical discriminant analysis. Cluster analysis yielded 3.47% in the first, 30.56% in the second, 28.47% in the third, 29.17% in the fourth and 8.33% of female students in the fifth cluster. In separate discriminant functions, the first factor consists of four variables: VFA = 0.830, BFM = 0.631, BMI = 0.467 and PBF = 0.357, while the second factor consists of the nine variables remaining. The ratio of the basic structural elements of body are obtained by the following morphological types: Endomorphic type (obese and small body hight individuals), Ecto-Mesomorphic type (thin and average body hight individuals), Mesomorphic type (normal body weight and average body hight individuals), Meso-Ectomorphic type (normal body weight and tall individuals) and Endo-Mesomorphic type (obese and tall individuals).Višegodišnji uticaj gojaznosti i fizičke neaktivnosti može dovesti do negativnih psihosocijalnih i zdravstvenih posledica, a posebno kod devojaka i žena čija struktura tela ima veći procenat masne komponente u poređenju sa muškarcima. Cilj istraživanja bio je definisanje karakterističnih grupa (klastera) sa aspekta morfološkog prostora studentkinja KPA. Merenja su obavljena na Fakultetu sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja Univerziteta u Beogradu metodom multi- kanalne bioelektrične impedance - In Body 720. Uzoraka ispitanika su bile 144 studentkinje KPA: uzrast - 19,7 ± 1,1 godina; TV - 169,28 ± 5,27 cm; TM - 61,28 ± 6,86 kg; BMI - 21,37 ± 1,99 kg-m-2. Osnovne varijable klasifikacije su bile: telesna masa (TM, kg), intra celularna tečnost (ICW, L), ekstra celularna tečnost (ECW, L), proteini (kg), minerali (kg), masa minerala iz sadržaja kostiju (Osseous, kg), ukupna masa telesnih masti (BFM, kg), masa skeletnih mišića (SMM, kg), visceralna mast (VFA, cm2) i masa živih ćelija u organizmu (BCM, kg). Izvedene varijable su bile: indeks mase tela (BMI, kg-m-2), procenat masti u telu (PBF, %) i procenat mišića u telu (PSMM, %). Rezultati su statistički obrađeni primenom deskriptivne statistike, klaster analize i kanoničke diskriminativne analize. Klaster analizom je izdvojeno 3,47% u prvom, 30,56% u drugom, 28,47% u trećem, 29,17% u četvrtom i 8,33% studentkinja u petom klasteru. U izdvojenim diskriminantnim funkcijama, prvi faktor čine četiri varijable: VFA = 0,830, BFM = 0,631, BMI = 0,467 i PBF = 0,357, dok drugi faktor čine ostalih devet varijabli. Na osnovu odnosa osnovnih elemenata strukture tela dobijeni su sledeći morfološki tipovi: endomorfni tip (gojazne i niske osobe); ektomezomorfni tip (mršave i prosečno visoke osobe), mezomorfni tip (normalno uhranjene i prosečno visoke osobe), mezoektomorfni tip (normalno uhranjene i visoke osobe) i endomezomorfni tip (gojazne i visoke osobe)

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