Virus elimination from ornamental plants using in vitro culture techniques


Viruses are responsible for numerous epidemics in different crops in all parts of the world. As a consequence of their presence great economic losses are being incurred. In addition to the development of sensitive techniques for detection, identification and characterization of viruses, substantial attention has also been paid to biotechnological methods for their elimination from plants. In this review article, the following biotechnological in vitro culture techniques for virus elimination from ornamental plants are presented: meristem culture, thermotherapy, chemotherapy, cryotherapy or a combination of these methods. The plant species, as well as the type of virus determine the choice of a most suitable method. The state of the art in investigation of virus elimination from Impatiens sp. in Serbia is summarized.Virusi su odgovorni za brojne epidemije na različitim usevima u svim delovima sveta. Posledica njihovog prisustva su velike ekonomske štete, pa osim razvoju osetljivih tehnika za detekciju, identifikaciju i karakterizaciju virusa, velika pažnja se poklanja i biotehnološkim metodama za njihovu eliminaciju. U ovom preglednom radu predstavljene su tehnike in vitro kulture za eliminaciju virusa iz biljnog materijala: kultura meristema, termoterapija, hemoterapija, krioterapija ili kombinacija ovih metoda. Koja će metoda biti primenjena zavisi od biljne vrste, kao i od vrste virusa. U radu je dat pregled istraživanja na eliminaciji virusa iz Impatiens sp. u Srbiji.Projekat ministarstva br. TR-31019 and III4300

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