Glutathione status in the blood of rats after reticulocytosis induced by phenylhydrazine and bleeding


In this experiment, we compared the in vivo effects of phenylhydrazine (PHZ) and bleeding treatment on the redox status and glutathione antioxidative mechanism parameters in the plasma and red blood cells (RBC) of rats. Results showed a lower level of reactive oxygen species (ROS), a higher level of lipid peroxidation and the effective antioxidative role of the glutathione system in the blood of bleeding rats. PHZ-treatment induced higher concentrations of ROS and an accumulation of oxidized glutathione in the plasma, while the glutathione system showed a satisfactory antioxidative capacity in the RBC of rats. When comparing the two anemic groups, the PHZ-treated rats showed marked oxidative stress in the plasma.Cilj ovog rada je bio da se isprate in vivo efekti fenilhidrazinom (PHZ) i krvarenjem indukovane retikulocitoze na parametre redoks i glutationskog antioksidativnog statusa u plazmi i crvenim krvnim ćelijama (RBC) pacova. Rezultati pokazuju niži nivo reaktivnih vrsta kiseonika (ROS), viši nivo lipidne peroksidacije i efikasnu antioksidacionu ulogu glutationskog sistema u krvi iskvavljenih pacova. Tretman PHZom prouzrokovao je više koncentracije ROSa i akumulaciju oksidovanog glutationa u plazmi, dok je glutationski sistem pokazao efikasan antioksidativni kapacitet u RBCu pacova. Kada se uporede dve anemične grupe, izraženiji oksidacioni stres se javlja u plazmi pacova tretiranih PHZom.Projekat ministarstva br. 143035

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