Effects of cisplatin on lipid peroxidation and the glutathione redox status in the liver of male rats: The protective role of selenium


The role of oxidative stress in cisplatin (CP) toxicity and its prevention by pretreatment with selenium (Se) was investigated. Male Wistar albino rats were injected with a single dose of cisplatin (7.5 mg CP/kg b.m., i.p.) and selenium (6 mg Se/kg b.m, as Na2SeO3, i.p.) alone or in combination. The results suggest that CP intoxication induces oxidative stress and alters the glutathione redox status: reduced glutathione (GSH), oxidized glutathione (GSSG) and the GSH/GSSG ratio (GSH RI), resulting in increased lipid peroxidation (LPO) in rat liver. The pretreatment with selenium prior to CP treatment showed a protective effect against the toxic influence of CP on peroxidation of the membrane lipids and an altering of the glutathione redox status in the liver of rats. From our results we conclude that selenium functions as a potent antioxidant and suggest that it can control CP-induced hepatotoxicity in rats.U našoj studiji ispitivana je uloga oksidacionog stresa u toksičnosti cisplatina (SR) i njegova prevencija pretretmanom selenom (Se). Mužjaci Wistar albino pacova su inicirani jednom dozom cisplatina (7.5 mg CP/kg t.m., i.p.) i selena (6 mg Se/kg t.m, kao Na2SeO3, i.p.) pojedinačno ili u kombinaciji. Rezultati pokazuju da intoksikacija SR uzrokuje oksidacioni stres i promenu glutation redoks statusa: redukovanog (GSH), oksidovanog (GSSG) i GSH/GSSG indeksa (GSH RI), kao i povećanje lipidne peroksidacije (LPO) u jetri pacova. Tretman Se koji je prethodio tretmanu SR pokazao je zaštitne efekte protiv toksičnog delovanja SR na peroksidaciju lipida membrane i promenu glutation redoks statusa u jetri pacova. Na osnovu naših rezultata zaključujemo da Se, deluje kao snažan antioksidans i da može imati ulogu u kontroli SR indukovane hepatotoksičnosti kod pacova.Projekat ministarstva br. 143035

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