Chromosome status of marsh marigold, Caltha palustris L. (Ranunculaceae) from Serbia


Marsh marigold, Caltha palustris is distributed in the moist, temperate and cold regions of the Northern Hemisphere. This species exhibits considerable amount of intraspecific chromosomal diversity involving hybridization, polyploidy, aneuploidy and B chromosomes. Karyotype analyses of three mountain populations from Serbia were done for the first time. All samples were tetraploid (based number x=8) with 2n=32. In population from mountain Tara presence of one B chromosomes was detected. Tetraploid karyotype consists of 17 median-centromeric (m), 8 submedian-centromeric (sm), 7 subterminal-centromeric (st) chromosomes and one terminal-centromeric (t) B chromosome (2n= 17m+8sm+7st+1B). Studied populations in Serbia belong to the most common cytotype for this species in Europe.Kaljužnica, Caltha palustris, naseljava vlažne, umerene i hladne predele severne hemisfere. Ovu vrstu karakteriše znatna količina intraspecijske hromozomske varijabilnosti uključujući hibridizaciju, poliploidiju, aneuploidiju i B hromozome. Po prvi put je urađena kariotipska analiza tri planinske populacije iz Srbije. Svi analizirani uzorci su bili tetraploidi (osnovni broj n=8) sa 2n=32. U populaciji sa planine Tare detektovano je prisustvo jednog B hromozoma. Tetraploidni kariotip se sastojao od 17 metacentričnih (m), 8 submetacentričnih (sm), 7 subtelocentričnih (st) i jednog telocentričnog (t) B hromozoma (2n=17m+8sm+7st+1B). Analizirane populacije iz Srbije pripadaju citotipu koji je najčešći za ovu vrstu u Evropi.Projekat ministarstva br. 17300

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