
An ink texture descriptor for nir-imaged medieval documents


In this work we explore the task of authenticating and dating ancient manuscripts by capturing images of pages in nearinfrared (NIR) and modelling and then comparing the ink appearance of segmented text. We present a texture feature descriptor to characterize and recognize semi-transparent materials such as the inks found in manuscripts. These textural patterns are different in nature from perceptual entities such as textons, tokens, frequency or repeatability of textural elements. Our ink texture descriptor relates a set of ink features from various first and second-order statistics to semi-liquid and viscous image-based properties of inks. In particular, we propose eigen features from the joint gray-level probabilities and off-diagonal sums of co-occurrence matrices. We test the qualities of the features with a classifier trained with the ink descriptor to show how well it recognizes eight different inks of known composition. Presented with the very same task the human visual system would fail to spot the ink composition difference given the inks inter-class and intra-class distances are extremely short

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