
Estimating the Economic Impact of Acas Services


The main focus of this report is on the economic value of a year of Acas services delivered during the 2014/15 operational year. The starting point for the analysis in this report is the prior review of the economic impact of Acas in 2007 (Meadows), which is based on Acas activities delivered in 2005/06. This has been updated in line with key principles of cost-benefit analysis and tackles a number of issues flagged in subsequent reviews with a particular focus on questions of the counterfactual, impacts beyond the first year of Acas intervention, and of displacement and substitution. In addition, new estimates have been provided in service areas that were not included in the 2007 study as well as in new areas of Acas activity, such as new digital channels of service delivery. Whereas previous economic impact analyses were estimated to account for around 70 per cent of Acas service delivery, this report considers approximately 90 per cent of Acas activitie

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