통행시간 신뢰도의 개별 리스크 선호도를 고려한 경로선택행태 모형


학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 공과대학 건설환경공학부, 2018. 2. 고승영.The route choice problem is an important factor in traffic operation and transportation planning. There have been many studies to analyze the route choice behavior using travel data. There was a limit in constructing a route choice model by generating an appropriate choice set due to the limitations of the data. In this study, we construct a choice set generation model and a stochastic route choice model using the observed data. This study estimates the parameters incorporating travelers heterogeneity according to the choice set from the choice set generation model and the route choice model. We define the individual confidence level according to perceived travel time distribution to reflect travelers heterogeneity on choice set generation model. In addition, the parameters were estimated using the mixed path-size correction logit model (MPSCL) considering the path overlapping and individual risk preference in the route choice model. We compare the experienced paths and the derived choice set to construct choice set generation model. In addition, it is possible to estimate better parameters incorporating travelers heterogeneity for choice set generation model and route choice model. We compare the choice set from the developed model with that of the conventional choice set generation model. This study shows the superior prediction result in route choice model reflecting the individual behaviors of the route choice in the urban area on the transportation demand forecasting and traffic operation.1. Introduction 1 1.1 Backgrounds 1 1.2 Research Purpose 4 1.3 Main contents 5 1.4 Research Scope 9 2. Literature Review 11 2.1 Choice Set Generation 13 2.2 Route Choice Model 30 2.3 Review result and limitation 58 2.4 Research Contributions 62 3. Modelling Framework 66 3.1 Overview 66 3.2 Terminology 68 3.3 Choice set generation model 76 3.4 Route choice model 92 4. Revealed Preference Routing Data 100 4.1 Data Characteristics 100 4.2 Data Collection & Description 106 4.3 Data Processing 109 4.4 Missing Data Correction 113 5. Model Estimation & Validation 120 5.1 Overview 120 5.2 Choice set generation 121 5.3 Model estimation & Validation 124 5.4 Model verification 135 5.5 Discussion 138 6. Conclusion 140 6.1 Conclusion 140 6.2 Further research 142 REFERENCES 145 APPENDIX 158Docto

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