Strong Demand Operator and the Dutta-Kar Rule for Minimum Cost Spanning Tree Problems


학위논문 (석사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 경제학부, 2013. 2. 전영섭.We study the strong demand operator introduced by Granot and Huberman (1984) for minimum cost spanning tree problems. First, we review the strong demand operator. Next, we study the irreducible minimum cost spanning tree games and the irreducible core. Finally,we define a procedure with tie-breaking rule which generates an allocation from given initial allocation. In our procedure, a cost matrix is changed to its irreducible matrix before the operator is applied. We show that the Dutta-Kar allocation is obtained by applying the strong demand operator from any allocation in irreducible core.1. Introduction 1 2. Preliminaries 2 2.1 Minimum cost spanning tree problem 2 2.2 Prim algorithm 3 2.3 Rules 4 3. Strong demand operator 5 4. Irreducible minimum cost spanning tree problem 7 4.1 Irreducible matrix 7 4.2 Partition by irreducible matrix 7 5. Main results 10 5.1 Procedure with tie-breaking rule 10 5.2 Separability 11 5.3 Coincidence 12 6. Concluding remark 17Maste

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