선별적 세이프가드의 합법성과 거대 다자 자유무역협정 시대 세이프가드 체제의 발전방향


학위논문 (석사)-- 서울대학교 국제대학원 : 국제학과(국제지역학전공), 2014. 2. 안덕근.With an exponential increase of FTAs since 1990s, the rule diversification problem is becoming a controversial issue. Selective safeguard measures that allow the exclusion of RTA partners from applying safeguard actions are one of those controversial issues, because they violate Article 2.2 of the Agreement on Safeguards. The WTO DSBs concept of parallelism was not enough to solve the controversies. Therefore, the first part of this thesis analyzed the three types of selective safeguard rules based on five kinds of global safeguard rules, and argued that GATT Article XXIV can justify selective safeguard measures but not all of them are legal in practice. The second part of the thesis focused on the new trend of mega-FTAs such as TPP or RCEP, where multiple countries agree to conclude a single FTA. This would lead to several systemic changes regarding selective safeguards in the FTA safeguard system. First, there will be a growing need for the sophisticated provisions for selective safeguards due to the increase in the violation of WTO rules by selective safeguards and mounting conflicts surrounding selective safeguards. Based on the analysis, the thesis suggested a desirable type of global safeguard rules in the multilateral FTAs. Second, bilateral and special safeguard measures will be increasingly important in the mega-FTAs era.TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT...............................................................i TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................iii LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES................................iv CHAPTER 1. Introduction...........................................1 I. Backgrounds and Motivation...................................1 II. Purpose and Structure of the Study.........................2 CHAPTER 2. WTO Safeguard System.........................3 I. Definition and Purpose of Safeguard Measures.........3 II. Non-selectivity of WTO Safeguard Measures...........5 CHAPTER 3. FTA Safeguard System and the Issue of Selective Safeguards...............................................7 I. Bilateral and Global Safeguard Measures................7 II. Various Types of Global Safeguard Rules in RTAs...7 III. Selective Safeguards in the FTA Safeguard Mechanism11 1. Definition of Selective Safeguard Measure....................11 2. Types of Global Ssafeguard Provisions Allowing Selective Safeguards...................................................12 IV. Problems of Selective Safeguard Measures...............13 CHAPTER 4. Legality of Selective Safeguards.................15 I. Positions of WTO DSB on Selective Safeguards Issue: Parallelism .................................................................15 1. Logics of Parallelism...........................................15 2. Criticism against Parallelism.....................................18 II. Legality of Selective Safeguards................................20 1. De jure Legality of Selective Safeguards................20 1.1 Permissibility of Safeguards in the FTA System......21 1.2 Justification of the Violation of the Agreement on Safeguards by GATT Article XXIV ................................23 2. De facto Legality of Each Type of Selective Safeguard Measures in Practice..................................................28 CHAPTER 5. The Future of Selective Safeguards in the mega-FTAs Era.........................................................31 I. The New Trend of Regionalism: Mega-FTAs..............31 II.The Future of Selective Safeguards in the Mega-FTAs Era .........................................................................33 1. Need for the Sophisticated Provisions for Selective Safeguards.................................................................33 1.1 Increase in the Violation of WTO rules by Selective Safeguards...........................................33 1.2 Mounting Conflicts Surrounding Selective Safeguards.................................................................35 1.3 Desirable provisions for selective safeguards..........36 2. Increasing Importance of Bilateral and Special Safeguards .........................................................................39 CHAPTER 6. Conclusion..............................................42 APPENDIX.................................................................44 BIBLIOGRAPHY..........................................................45 국문초록....................................................................47Maste

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