한미일 삼각협력 과정의 불완전한 여정: 대북정책조정그룹회의 (TCOG)의 설립과 붕괴


학위논문 (석사)-- 서울대학교 국제대학원 : 국제학과(국제협력전공), 2013. 2. 신성호.2002-2003년 점차 고조되는 북핵 위기의 와중에도 대북정책조정그룹회의 (Trilateral Coordination and Oversight GroupTCOG) –한국, 미국, 일본 간에 설립된 삼자 안보협력 메커니즘 –은 3국 정부의 상이한 대북정책을 조율하고 통합하는 데 실패하였다. 점증하는 북핵 위협에도 불구하고, 왜 대북정책조정그룹회의 정책 조정 기제는 와해되었는가? 공통된 가치, 이익 및 지역적 안보 문제에도 불구하고, 한국과 미국, 그리고 일본은 한반도의 긴장이 점차 고조되는 국면에서 북한에 대한 통합된 정책적 접근을 이루어 내지 못하였다. 당시 지역적 안보 상황에 비추어 볼 때, 어떠한 내외적 요인과 계산들이 한•미•일 3국이 대북정책조정그룹회의라는 대북정책 조율 수단을 형성하도록 하였는가? 또한 내외적 요인 상 어떠한 변화들이 대북정책조정그룹회의를 와해시켰는가? 본 연구는 3국이 북한에 대해 형성한 상이한 위협 인식 (threat perception)이 3자 조율 기구를 통해 통합 불가능한, 상충되는 대북정책으로 이어졌음을 보여줄 것이다. 대북정책조정그룹회의는 3국 정부간 대북 정책 조정 메커니즘으로써의 기능을 상실하였다. 그 결과, 삼각 정책 조정 기제는 6자 회담 내의 다자 협의 구도로 대체되었다.In the face of the escalating North Korean nuclear crisis in 2002-2003, the Trilateral Coordination and Oversight Group (TCOG) – a trilateral security mechanism established in 1999 by the United States, Republic of Korea and Japan – failed to coordinate the diverging policy approaches to North Korea among the three governments. Why was the TCOG effectively dissolved instead of being used to cope with the North Korean nuclear threat? Despite common values, interests, and regional security concerns, the United States, Japan and South Korea were unable to formulate a comprehensive policy approach toward North Korea. What about the regional security context and domestic political factors drove the three governments to form the TCOG in the first place, and what changed among these factors to drive them apart? This thesis argues that diverging threat perceptions of North Korea created different policy approaches to the DPRK that could not be reconciled within the trilateral framework. At a time when trilateral cooperation was essential, the three countries defined the North Korean threat in different ways to cater to their individual domestic security concerns, which produced divergent policy options and preferences. The TCOG thus lost its function as a policy coordination mechanism and ultimately dissolved into a multilateral consultative framework within the Six Party Talks.I. Introduction 1. The Puzzle 1 2. Significance of U.S.-ROK-Japan Trilateral Cooperation 3 3. Importance of the TCOG for U.S.-ROK-Japan Trilateral Cooperation 5 II. Limitations of Existing Explanations and a New Analytical Framework 1. Current Studies on U.S.-ROK-Japan Trilateral Coordination 12 2. Theoretical Analysis of the TCOG: Competing Explanations and Hypotheses 21 3. Research Methodology 24 III. August 1998 – February 2001: From Crisis to Cooperation and Trilateral Consensus 1. Faltering Trilateral Cooperation and the Formation of the Perry Process 29 2. U.S. Perceptions of North Korea 32 3. South Korean Perceptions of North Korea 37 4. Japanese Perceptions of North Korea 41 5. U.S. Policy Options and Preferences 43 6. South Korean Policy Options and Preferences 49 7. Japanese Policy Options and Preferences 51 8. Converging Threat Perceptions and a Common Comprehensive Approach 54 IV. March 2001 – August 2002: Fragile Consensus and Signs of Divergence 1. Cracks in the Trilateral Consensus: Kim-Bush Summit Meeting and HEU 59 2. U.S. Perceptions of North Korea 61 3. South Korean Perceptions of North Korea 65 4. Japanese Perceptions of North Korea 67 5. U.S. Policy Options and Preferences 70 6. South Korean Policy Options and Preferences 72 7. Japanese Policy Options and Preferences 73 8. Signs of Divergence 74 V. September 2002 – June 2003: Divergent Threat Perceptions, Different Approaches, and Dissolution of the TCOG 1. HEU Program and Collapse of the Agreed Framework 79 2. U.S. Perceptions of North Korea 81 3. South Korean Perceptions of North Korea 83 4. Japanese Perceptions of North Korea 87 5. U.S. Policy Options and Preferences 90 6. South Korean Policy Options and Preferences 93 7. Japanese Policy Options and Preferences 96 8. Differing Policy Approaches toward North Korea and Dissolution of the TCOG 99 VI. Conclusion: The Incomplete Journey and Future Prospects 1. Limitations of Competing Explanations 103 2. Considerations for Policymakers in the United States, South Korea and Japan 105 3. Areas for Further Research 106 4. The Incomplete Journey 110Maste

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