
Children's Screen Content in an Era of Forced Migration: Manchester Workshop Briefing


Fair and accurate representation of displaced children is a key step towards helping them and others around them deal with their new situation. This report summarises the proceedings of the first in a series of three one-day workshops taking place as part of a one-year project funded by the Arts & Humanities Research Council under the title ‘Collaborative Development of Children’s Screen Content in an Era of Forced Migration Flows: Facilitating Arab-European Dialogue’. Based on input from content producers, television executives, audience researchers, child’s rights advocates and others working in European and Arab contexts, the Manchester Workshop Briefing reviews relevant material available for children under 12 along with issues relating to ethics, ‘othering’, diversity, children’s media use, structural limitations on production, regulation, commissioning, distribution and education and offers six recommendations. The Manchester workshop took place in December 2017. Other briefings in the series are based on workshops in Copenhagen (March 2018) and Munich (May 2018). The project ends with a symposium in London in September 2018

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