호프 CC^*-대수의 쌍대작용에 의한 쿤쯔-핌스너 대수의 교차곱


학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 수리과학부, 2015. 2. 정자아.Unifying two notions of an action and coaction of a locally compact group on a CC^*-cor\-re\-spond\-ence we introduce a coaction (σ,δ)(\sigma,\delta) of a Hopf CC^*-algebra SS on a CC^*-cor\-re\-spond\-ence (X,A)(X,A). We show that this coaction naturally induces a coaction ζ\zeta of SS on the associated Cuntz-Pimsner algebra OX\mathcal{O}_X under the weak δ\delta-invariancy for the ideal JXJ_X. When the Hopf CC^*-algebra SS is a reduced Hopf CC^*-algebra of a well-behaved multiplicative unitary, we construct from the coaction (σ,δ)(\sigma,\delta) a CC^*-cor\-re\-spond\-ence (XσS^,AδS^)(X\rtimes_\sigma\widehat{S},A\rtimes_\delta\widehat{S}), and show that it has a representation on the reduced crossed product OXζS^\mathcal{O}_X\rtimes_\zeta\widehat{S} by the induced coaction ζ\zeta. If this representation is covariant, particularly if either the ideal JXσS^J_{X\rtimes_\sigma\widehat{S}} of AδS^A\rtimes_\delta\widehat{S} is generated by the canonical image of JXJ_X in M(AδS^)M(A\rtimes_\delta\widehat{S}) or the left action on XX by AA is injective, the CC^*-algebra OXζS^\mathcal{O}_X\rtimes_\zeta\widehat{S} is shown to be isomorphic to the Cuntz-Pimsner algebra OXσS^\mathcal{O}_{X\rtimes_\sigma\widehat{S}} associated to (XσS^,AδS^)(X\rtimes_\sigma\widehat{S},A\rtimes_\delta\widehat{S}). Under the covariance assumption, our results extend the isomorphism result known for actions of amenable groups to arbitrary locally compact groups. Also, the Cuntz-Pimsner covariance condition which was assumed for the same isomorphism result concerning group coactions is shown to be redundant.Abstract 1. Introduction 2. Preliminaries 2.1. CC^*-correspondences 2.2. Multiplier correspondences 2.3. Tensor product correspondences 2.4. Cuntz-Pimsner algebras 2.5. CC-multiplier correspondences 2.6. Reduced and dual reduced Hopf CC^*-algebras 2.7. Reduced crossed products AS^A\rtimes\widehat{S} 3. Coactions of Hopf CC^*-algebras on CC^*-correspondences 3.1. The extensions (kXid,kAid)(\overline{k_X\otimes{\rm id}},\overline{k_A\otimes{\rm id}}) 3.2. Coactions on CC^*-correspondences and their induced coactions 4. Reduced crossed product correspondences 4.1. Baaj-Skandalis type lemma for CC^*-correspondences 4.2. Reduced crossed product correspondences (XS^,AS^)(X\rtimes\widehat{S},A\rtimes\widehat{S}) 5. Reduced crossed products 5.1. Representations of (XS^,AS^)(X\rtimes\widehat{S},A\rtimes\widehat{S}) on OXS^\mathcal{O}_X\rtimes\widehat{S} 5.2. An isomorphism between OXS^\mathcal{O}_X\rtimes\widehat{S} and OXS^{O}_{X\rtimes\widehat{S}} 6. Examples 6.1. Coactions on crossed products by Z\mathbb{Z} 6.2. Coactions on directed graph CC^*-algebras 6.2.1. Labelings and coactions on graph CC^*-algebras 6.2.2. Coactions on finite graphs Appendix A. Coactions of C0(G)C_0(G) on CC^*-correspondences A.1. Akemann-Pedersen-Tomiyama type theorem for CC^*-correspondences A.2. One-to-one correspondence between GG-actions and C0(G)C_0(G)-coactions Appendix B. CC^*-correspondences (XS^W^G,AS^W^G)(X\rtimes\widehat{S}_{\widehat{W}_G},A\rtimes\widehat{S}_{\widehat{W}_G}) B.1. CC^*-correspondences (LA(AH,XH),LA(AH))(\mathcal{L}_A(A\otimes\mathcal{H},X\otimes\mathcal{H}),\mathcal{L}_A(A\otimes\mathcal{H})) B.2. Crossed product correspondences (XrG,ArG)(X\rtimes_r G,A\rtimes_r G) Abstract (in Korean)Docto

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