리튬 이온 배터리 음극 슬러리의 미세 구조와 건조 거동에 관한 연구


학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 화학생물공학부, 2015. 8. 이승종.The effect of binders used in Li-ion battery anode slurry on the microstructure formation and drying behavior was investigated. The microstructure formation of the anode slurry was studied by analyzing the rheological properties and cryo-SEM images. The graphite particles aggregated with each other due to their hydrophobicity and formed a gel structure in an aqueous slurry. In the case of graphite/SBR slurry, the microstructure was changed from the gel structure formed by graphite particles to dispersion due to the adsorption of SBR on the graphite surface. In the graphite/CMC slurry, the structural change was observed which was from gel to dispersion by adsorbing CMC on the graphite surface as in the graphite/SBR slurry. On the other hand, the dispersion was changed to gel structure again at high CMC concentration because the CMC molecules formed a network structure at high concentration and the polymeric network structure played a dominant role in the gel behavior of the battery slurry. In the graphite/CMC/SBR slurry, the SBR could affect the dispersion of the graphite particles at low CMC concentration in the slurry, while the microstructure was not changed regardless of adding SBR at high CMC concentration because the SBR could not adsorb on the graphite surface due to the CMC which was preferably adsorbed on the graphite. The drying behavior of the anode slurry was investigated by measuring the drying stress and by observing the microstructure in the dried film. The drying stress and the microstructure of the film were evaluated by a cantilever deflection method and a mercury intrusion porosimetry, respectively. We discovered that the SBR in the graphite/SBR slurry fills the voids among the graphite particles as the SBR concentration increases. In addition, the CMC in graphite/CMC slurry surrounded the particles by adsorbing on the surface of the graphite particles, thus helping the graphite particles to get together. In the case of graphite/CMC/SBR slurry, the effect of SBR on the drying stress depended on the CMC concentration. The residual stress increased as the SBR concentration was increased at low CMC concentration, while it maintained constant although the SBR concentration was increased at high CMC concentration. The residual stress in the film could be regarded as the mechanical strength of the film. In order to increase the mechanical strength of the film in low concentration region of CMC, a large amount of SBR was needed. On the other hand, in high concentration region of CMC, the SBR did not affect the mechanical strength of the film any longer. In other words, the CMC played a leading role in enhancing the mechanical strength of the film. Based on the drying stress of the slurries, we could draw a processing window map that clearly showed the effect of CMC and SBR on the mechanical strength of the film, which will be useful in the design of anode slurries. In addition, the latex migration in anode slurries during drying process was investigated by replacing SBR with fluorescent PS particles. The time evolution of the fluorescence signals revealed the particle migration in the film during drying. In CMC solution without graphite, the migration of the latex particles was suppressed above the entanglement concentration of CMC because the CMC molecules interrupted the latex migration. Thus, the uniform distribution of the particles in the film was produced at high CMC concentration, while the latex was distributed non-uniformly due to the migration at low concentration of CMC. In anode slurry, the latex migration was affected by the microstructure of the slurry. When the graphite particles were aggregated by depletion attraction, the latex migration was observed. On the other hand, when the graphite particles were well dispersed by adsorbed CMC on the graphite surface, the latex particles neither migrated nor segregated. This work provides the information about the effect of the binders, CMC and SBR used in anode slurry, on the microstructure formation and the drying behavior of the slurry. It is expected that the information about the microstructure and the drying behavior will be useful in designing the slurries for optimum performance of the Li-ion battery.Contents Abstract i List of Contents iv List of Figures viii List of Tables xv Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1. General introduction 2 1.2. Outline of the thesis 7 Chapter 2. Background 9 2.1. Li-ion battery 10 2.1.1. Characteristics of Li-ion battery 10 2.1.2. Operating principle of Li-ion battery 11 2.1.3. Composition of Li-ion battery 11 2.2. Characteristics of particulate system 16 2.2.1. Yielding behavior of particulate system 16 2.2.2. Microstructure of particulate system 20 2.2.3. Microstructure of Li-ion battery 22 2.3. Drying process of particulate system 24 2.3.1. Drying mechanism 24 2.3.2. Drying stress of particulate system 30 Origin of drying stress 30 Stress development during drying process 33 Effect of drying temperature on drying stress 37 Effect of relative humidity on drying stress 37 2.4. Particle migration during drying 41 2.4.1. Particle migration in a vertical direction of film 41 2.4.2. Particle migration in a lateral direction of film 43 Chapter 3. Experimental methods 47 3.1. Sample preparation 48 3.2. Characterization of microstructure of battery slurry 51 3.2.1. Measurement of rheological property 51 3.2.2. Measurement of adsorption amount of CMC 51 3.2.3. Cryo-SEM 52 3.3. Measurement of drying stress development 54 3.4. Fluorescence microscopy during drying 57 3.5. Characterization of microstructure of film 60 3.5.1. Pore size distribution in dried film 60 3.5.2. Images of dried film 61 Chapter 4. Results and discussion 63 4.1. Microstructure of anode slurry 64 4.1.1. Graphite/SBR slurry 64 4.1.2. Graphite/CMC slurry 70 4.1.3. Graphite/CMC/SBR slurry 85 4.2. Drying behavior of anode slurry 95 4.2.1. Graphite/SBR slurry 95 Drying stress of graphite/SBR slurry 95 Microstructure of film for graphite/SBR slurry 101 4.2.2. Graphite/CMC slurry 106 Drying stress of graphite/CMC slurry 106 Microstructure of film for graphite/CMC slurry 111 4.2.3. Graphite/CMC/SBR slurry 116 Drying stress of graphite/CMC/SBR slurry 116 Microstructure of film for graphite/CMC/SBR slurry 119 4.2.4. Processing window map for anode slurry 122 4.3. Latex migration during drying in anode slurry 125 4.3.1. Validation of intensity of fluorescent light 125 4.3.2. Latex migration in CMC solution 127 Evolution in particle consolidation layer 132 Suppressed migration in dense CMC solution 137 4.3.3. Latex migration in anode slurry 143 Accelerated migration in anode slurry 149 Chapter 5. Summary 159 References 165 국문 초록 181 Curriculum Vitae 184Docto

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