A study on the production and circulation of the copper, bronze manufactures in Unified Silla


752년(경덕왕 11)에 신라가 왕자 韓阿飡 金泰廉, 大使 金暄 등을 비롯하여 배 7척과 700여 인의 사절단을 일본에 파견하였다. 이때 사절단은 향료와 약품, 그리고 佐波理加盤을 비롯한 청동제품을 7척의 배에다 싣고 가서 일본 조정과 고위 관료들에게 판매하였다. 더구나 일본인들은 新羅産 鈔鑼(佐波理)가 일본인에게 널리 인기를 끌자, 사라의 어원이 新羅(斯羅)라는 국명에서 유래되었다고 인식하였다. 여기다가 신라가 당나라에 熟銅 및 靑銅을 가리키는 新羅銅을 수출하였을 뿐만 아니라 北宋人 程大昌의 저서인 를 통하여 신라에서 銅이 많이 생산되었고, 신라가 銅盆을 비롯한 청동제품도 중국에 널리 수출하였음을 살필 수 있다. 물론 통일신라시대에 수출품만이 아니라 내수품도 대량으로 생산하였을 것으로 짐작된다.This paper examined the production of the copper and bronze manufactures, and their circulation in Unified Silla. Silla government promoted a strong official copper mining and smelting policy in the Middle Period, the production of the copper and bronze manufactures were supervised by the Cheolyujeon of the Naeseong. Various bronze manufacture including the bronze bowl and vessel, spoon etc, were produced at the official bronze factory located in the Dongcheon-dong area and Gyeongju urban district, they were supplied to the Naeseong and Government offices, official dealers by Silla government. Bronze manufactures also were produced at bronze factories of the Jingol nobility and Seongjeon-temple which had been provided the copper from the Silla government. Silla exported excellent bronze manufactures to Japan and China, Japanese and Chinese people who had been mad at them were believed the word Sara(Sahari) or Sira pointing bronze bowl to have been originated from the Silla, the name of country. The bronze plate were circulated as currency in Unified Silla, and bronze manufactures that were produced in the Capital, Gyeongju, were widespread in the provinces. As a result, local authorities who were included more than a 5-dupum status, temples, Jinchonju class could use them too

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