The Regional Influence of the Military Regulations


본 연구는 군사규제와 군사시설보호구역에서의 지역적 외부성을 검토하고 군사규제정책의 개선을 모색하는데 목적을 두었다. 1990년대 이래 사유재산권 보호의 목적으로 군사시설보호구역을 축소하거나 행위재한을 완화하는 형태로 군사규제가 완화되었고, 1999년 접경지역지원법 제정을 통해 이 지역에 대한 보상책이 시행되고 있다. 이에도 불구하고 민원은 여전히 증가추세에 있으며, 도심 군사시설의 교외이전과 신규 훈련장 확보는 국방예산의 부족과 이전계획지역의 주민반대로 애로를 겪고 있다. 이러한 문제점들을 해결하기 위해서는 군당국과 중앙/지방정부간의 협력 강화와 군사시설계획의 국토/지역계획과의 연계가 이루어져야 하며, 군부대와 지역사회의 연대의식 확대와 경제적 협력 강화가 모색되어야 할 것이다. This study aims to discuss military regulations and its regional negative externalities in the 'Military Facilities Protection Area' and to find out how to improve military regulation policy in the future. Since 1990s, the military regulations have been alleviated gradually for the purpose of consolidating private property rights in forms to reduce the 'Military Facilities Protection Area' and to permit the civil activities patially. And the in 1999 enacted 'Border Region Support Law' stands for economical support to the people and local governments in the border region to North Korea from the viewpoint of compensation against military regulations. Nevertheless, the popular complaints are still increasing. However, the problems of relocation of the military facilities in the city to suburban area and acquisition of new military training place are still evident because of military budget shortage and counteraction of the residents or environmental movement organization. The military authorities have no special alternatives but to enhance cooperations with the central and local government. In this context it is meaningful that the planning authorities of the military facility examine strategical coalition with the national/regional land use planning. Furthermore, it is very important for the military bases to build a social solidarity and to improve economical cooperation with their surrounding regional society

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