속격 및 명사 병치 구성에 관한 연구: 한국어와 불어를 중심으로


This article aims to give an explanation to the fact that French genitive constructions N1 de N2 can be translated in Korean sometimes as genitive construction N2 ui Nl, sometimes as noun parallel construction (henceforth NPC) N2 N1. We suppose that in Korean NPCs are formed by one of the following processes: (i) derivation from genitive construction by incorporation of N2 onto N1, (ii) lexical composition, (iii) phonetic deletion of the Case-marker ui. In Korean NPCs, N2 is in most cases an internal argument of N1. And in general, the incorporated element should be an internal argument of the incorporating element. So we propose that NPC can be formed from genitive construction when N2 is an internal argument of N1 and is incorporated onto ít. It follows that the Korean counterpart of French genitive constructions will be NPC if the incorporation in question takes place, and otherwise it will be a genitive construction as in French. As for (ii), we presume that in Korean, lexical composition can derive the form N2 N1 too. But as lexical composition often depends on cultural needs and is not a productive and systematic process, there are not many Korean exemples of lexical composition which translate French genitive constructions. Finally we suppose that in Korean the genitive marker ui can be phonetically invisible just like nominative or accusative markers. If so, the third form of NPC will be obtained. But this third possibility is permitted only in colloquial Korean

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