한국어 장소교체 구문에서의 대상논항의 통사적 특성과 통사구조


his article examines locative alternation constructions in Korean, and argues that the alternation attributes to the fact that (intransitive) locative verbs have more than one argument structure (rather than the fact that it involves syntactic movement). That is, each variant of the constructions has its own distinct underlying structure. This follows from the fact that in two alternating variants, -e ‘on/in’ and -lo ‘with’ variants, the theme argument of a locative verb displays different syntactic behaviors with respect to relativization, the possibility of occupying focus position in a pseudo-clefting sentence, and modification by degree adverbs. Furthermore, on the basis of the observation that in the -lo variant the theme argument of a locative verb behaves like a predicate nominal, the article proposes that the variant involves a small clause, which is syntactically represented as PrP in the sense of Bowers 1993

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