Remarks on the Mongolian Loan-Words in Korean


The aim of this paper is two-fold : first , to review the past studies on the Mongolian loan-words in Korean and, second, to discuss some of the problems that we meet when we undertake an extensive research on these loan-words. Although several examples of the Mongolian loan-words had been repeatedly mentioned by Korean writers ever since they were first introduced into Korean from the thirteenth century, the interest of modern scholars in the study of these loan-words was extremely limited. Besides the investigations on the words of Mongolian origin in the Koryo-sa(History of the Koryõ Dynasty) by Shiratori(1929) and Pelliot(1930), we can mention only Oguras studies on the names of horses and falcons(1930, 1941) , Sõk Chu-Myõngs list of Mongolian loan-words in the Cheju dialect (1946) and Ramstedts studies in Korean etymology(1949) which noted six Mongolian loan-words. It can be pointed out that both Ogura and Sõk did not clearly distinguish Manchu and Mongolian as the donor language and their knowledge of Mongolian was more or less limited. In his earlier papers (1964, 1966, 1978) the author concentrated his efforts on the investigation of Mongolian loan-words in Middle Korean documents. It would be unreasonable to assume that a11 of the loan-words were recorded in Middle Korean documents . In fact, we find not a few words which are definitely of Mongolian origin in Modern Korean documents and present-day dialects. There are some words, however, which raise various doubts. In this paper the author discusses more than ten examples from Modern Korean documents and dialects, with special emphasis on establishing the rules of sound renderings between the donor and donee languages

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