Why Not a Topic in a Relative Clause?


What is of interest in the interaction of relativization and topicalization is that it is not possible for the two rules to apply in a single clause and produce a topic within a relative clause. Consider the following Korean sentences. (1) *i salam-i (i chaek-un Chelswu-ka cwun) Yenghi-ita. this man SM this book TOP SM gave be '*This is Yenghi whom the book Chelswu gave to.' (2) '*(Yenghi-nun Chelswu-ka manna-n) hakkyo-ka phakoytoYessta. TOP SM met school SM was-detroyed '*The school which Yenghi Chelswu met in was destroyed.' (3) *(ku totwuk-un caphi-n) swunkyeung-i sang-ul patassta. the thief TOP was-caught policeman prize received. '*The policeman whom the thief he was caught by was awarded.

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