Speech Acts: Theory and Practice- Question-Answer Compatibility


In the theory and practice of speech acts have there been three major approaches to the linguistic description of question-and-answer: (1) the propositional-performative approach (à la Lakoff-Ross and Co.), (2) the imperative-epistemic approach (à la AqvistHíntíkka and Co.) and (3) the categorical-.denotational approach (à la Karttunen-Hausser and Montague grammarians). They are typically limíted to direct answers which are further constrained by notions like possible/true answers and presuppositions of questions. Compatibility of questíon-and-answer is essentíally a pragmatic issue and as such it depends on the Gricean conversational principle and its maxims. Discussíon of the íssue a1so extends to indirect answers and idiomatic questions/ answers. lt is argued that the pragmatic notion of aroþriate answers, in contrast to the semantic notion of þossible/true answers, can be quantified 50 as to provide a set of crítería for selecting questions and answers. They include: (1) the number of possible answers, (2) the focus of questions, (3) direct vs. indirect questions, and (4) the distance between indirect and direct questions (for the questíon selection), (5) informativeness as measured in terms of the questíon purpose, (6) direct V5. indirect answers, and (7) the distance bewteen indirect and direct answers (for the answer selection)

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