본 연구는 국가인적자원개발에 관한 개념적, 이론적 논의를 바탕으로 국가인적자원개발관리 모델을 제시하고, 우리 나라의 문제점을 살펴본 후, 향후 정책방향을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 국가인적자원개발관리 모델은 형성과 선발을 통한 개발, 배분과 교류를 통한 유통, 및 최종 단계의 활용을 그 구성요소로 하며, 이들 요소간의 유기적 상호작용과 환류를 전제로 한다. 이러한 모델을 바탕으로 분석된 우리 나라 인적자원개발관리의 문제점은 연령별, 학력별 불균형 개발, 선발시스템의 문제, 중장기 인력수급정책의 미흡, 인적자원 배분의 편중, 진입지체, 및 교류의 경직성, 청년층의 경제활동 참여율 저조, 계열별, 전공별 취업률 불균형, 여성인적자원 활용도 저조, 그리고 인적자원개발체제의 전략적 정렬 미흡 등으로 나타났다.
The purpose of this study is to develop a conceptual model of national human resource development and management (NHRD&M) based on the review on the concepts and theories related to national human resource development, to identify problems in NHRD&M based on the model, and to provide human resource policy suggestions. This NHRD&M model is composed of three elements : (1) development by formation and selection of human resource, (2) circulation by distribution and exchange, and (3) utilization. This model assumes systemic interaction and feedback between development, circulation, and utilization. Based on this model, problems in NHRD&M are identified as unbalanced development by age, academic background, problems in selection systems, lack of mid- and long-term plan of manpower demand and supply, a biased distribution of human resource, delay of job market entry, lack of human resource exchange, low participation rate of youth in economic activities, unbalanced employment rate by academic track and major, low rate of female resource utilization, and lack of strategic alignment in NHRD&M. To solve these problems in NHRD&M, human resource development by continuous educational reform and national life long learning system improvement, human resource circulation by school-to-work system management, career paths management, information management system development of education and labor market, and employment based on performance and ability, and human resource utilization by linkage system development between education and labor market, mid- and long-term manpower planning, and demand side management of human resource were suggested. Finally, strategic alignment between ministries and educational administrative agencies should be established