16ㆍ7세기 『小學集註』의 成立과 刊行


This study analyzes the process through which the 〈Sohak chipju (小學集註, Collected Commentaries of Elementary Learning)〉 was compiled during the late 16th century, as well as the manner in which this work was disseminated within Chosŏn society from the late 17th century onwards. In addition, the historical significance of this book is also examined at length. The compilation of the 〈Sohak chipju〉 by Yi I(李珥) in 1579 was a significant event in the history of Chosŏn philosophy. Yi Is compilation of the 〈Sohak chipju〉 and subsequent widespread dissemination amongst the public made it possible for the people of Chosŏn to learn 〈Sohak(小學, Elementary Learning)〉 based on commentaries that differed from those found in the 〈Xiaoxuejicheng(小學集成)〉 annotated by He Shixin and in the 〈Xiaoxue jishuo(小學集說)〉 compiled by Cheng Yu of the Ming Dynasty. The 〈Sohak chipju〉 had several significant implications in terms of the history of Chosŏn philosophy. First, the 〈Sohak chipju〉 was the first annotation of 〈Sohak〉 to be summarized by a Chosŏn scholar. In this regard, Chosŏns sadaebu class had long been aware of the need to take steps to further entrench Confucianism within Chosŏn society. Second, the production of this book stands as proof positive of the vast academic capabilities of the Yi I School of Thought. To this end, neither the Yi Hwang nor the Sŏ Kyŏngdŏk School of Thought proved able to produce this kind of work. As such, the compilation of the 〈Sohak chipju〉 can be regarded as a significant tool with which to understand the academic differences between the Yi I School of Thought active in the Kiho area (covering Kyŏnggi, Hwanghae and Ch ungnam Provinces) and the other school of thoughts. Third, the compilation of the 〈Sohak chipju〉 was a sign that the Westerner (Sŏin) faction had reached the center of Chosŏns politics and philosophy. The 〈Sohak chipju〉 was not only a work which was regarded as being representative of the Westerner faction, but also contained many contents which this Westerner faction intended to disseminate throughout Chosŏn society. Reading this book allowed the people of Chosŏn to become aware of not only the tenets of Confucianism, but also of those promoted by Yi I

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