Traditional job analysis has been alrcady established as the ~vay of
collecting job information, competency modeling has been recognized :is an
alternative in the last decade. In thc present study. we examine various
aspects of competency modeling: the origin of concclpt. difference from job
analysis, and its proper use for maximum utility. LI7e ernploy a frame of
work analysis to provide an intc:grate understanding of job analysis and
competency modeling. We notice that the current practice of' job analysis
has its own merit which enabled its wide adaptation in organization and
industries. Competency modeling is not to substitute for or deny everything
of job analysis, although this new method has its niche which is attractive
to practitioners and theorists.
In terms of scale of work and analytic practice, job analysis is focused
on a relatively smaller grain size called '>oh" and competency modeling on
human attributes that are needed for performing a broader range of work.
In terms of systematic approach to collecting job information. job analysis
and competency modeling have differences in range of analysis and application