Analysis of Gene Expression in Mouse Alveolar Macrophages Stimulated with Quorum-Sensing Mutants of Vibrio vulnificus


Bacterial pathogens manipulate host cells to promote pathogen survival and dissemination. In this study, microarray technology was used to identify the genes that are affected by the Vibrio vulnificus quorum-sensing genes, luxS and smcR. By comparing the expression profiles of mouse macrophage cell lines stimulated with either the parent strains or a luxS smcR mutant, differentially expressed genes were identified. The genes included those that affect host cell death, stress, signaling transduction, inflammation, and immune response. Macrophages stimulated with the luxS smcR mutant differentially expressed genes associated with removal of toxins, the complement pathway, regulation of cytokine expression, and antigen presentation, indicating that macrophages stimulated with the luxS smcR mutant induced an appropriate inflammation reaction and immune response for removal of bacteria. In summary, quorum-sensing in V. vulnificus could contribute to bacterial survival and increased pathogenesis by inducing a changed expression profile in macrophages.This study was supported by KOSF, Brain Korea 21, KRF(KRF-2006-005-J02901) and the Research Institute for Veterinary Science, Seoul National University, Korea

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