The Hidden Intentions of Eliade? - Re-reading Critiques of Eliade from the Perspective of Eliade`s Expectation of the History of Religions -


Within the last several years, we have been inundated with books and articles continuing the argument between Eliade's criticizers and his disciples. Many criticisms of Eliade focus on the so-called hidden intentions of his scholarly. work. First, criticizers allege that Eliade's work contains his ominous political and social views. Second, Eliade's opponents argue that Eliade's work reflects the "Western construction of Religion." It is necessary and appropriate to understand Eliade's work in relation to his historical and social views: not only. have many contemporary scholars acknowledged Eliade's influence both as a scholar and as a public figure, Eliade himself also articulated his mission as one of responding to social and political issues. However, this paper will assert that Eliade's scholarly work should not be marginalized by the reckless conjecture of his political and social intentions by his opponents. As will be shown, Eliade's opponents argument of "Western construction of Religion" itself is based on the Western-centered academic tradition that has been ignorant of Eastern religious traditions. In contrast, the personal, academic, and historical background of Eliade's belief in the unity of the human mind and his respect for the East will be seen as foundational to understanding his work

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