Managing Global Competition: Japanese Companies in Transition


Much has been wntten about the discontnuities takmg place in the post industnal society (Galbrath (1967), Marcuse (1968). Bell (1973), Toffler (1980), Huber (1984), Reich (199l), Lewm and Stephens (1993), and Ilinitch, Lewin, and D'Aveni, (1998)) which are forcing multinational companies and heretofore pnmarily domestic companies in every country and in almost every business sector to re-examine their management philosophies, strategies and organization designs In contrast to searching for a single theory of internationalization or for "the" theory of organizing for global compehhon, this paper focuses on the sources of vanation as a way of understanding the firm specific paths of companies' internahonalizahon and their organlzabon forms The paper extends the concept of equifinality (Katz and Kahn (1978), Doty, Glick, and Huber (1993). and Gresov and Drazin (1997)) for compehng in global environment and as a basis for understandmg why and how companies evolve unlque configurations of strategies and organizahon forms. The paper applies this framework to a discussion of Japanese companies

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