
Archaeological evaluation : New High School, Matthews Lane, Gorton, Manchester


In February 2017, Salford Archaeology was commissioned by Laing O’Rourke to undertake an archaeological evaluation on land located adjacent to Matthews Lane, Gorton, Manchester (centred on NGR SJ 87861 95024). The Site Area comprises an open space heath land currently undeveloped within the Gorton area of Manchester. The assessment aimed to identify, as far as possible, the nature, extent and significance of the archaeological resource, so as to enable informed recommendations to be made for the future treatment of any surviving remains. Trenches were located to investigate the remains of the late 19th century Yew Tree Farm and the possibility of remains associated with Nico Ditch. Trench 1 was excavated over the site of the farmhouse and was able to uncover limited evidence of structures. Trench 2 was located to investigate the southern farm outbuildings and possible deposits associated with Nico Ditch and uncovered remains of features relating to the farm only. A third was excavated over the site of the main barn but was abandoned due to the removal of archaeological deposits by later landfill. The evaluation was able to confirm that evidence of 19th century structures remains within 15m of the present site boundary but that all other deposits outside this area were removed by later landfill activity. Nevertheless those areas to have escaped the excavation of the clay pit do retain moderately well preserved evidence of earlier occupation

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