I love you, you, and perhaps you : exploring the motivations and social networks of polyamourous behavior of Asian women in Singapore.


This research explores the influence of motivations, social networks, and Asian cultural values on polyamourous behaviour using data collected from in-depth interviews with 14 financially-independent and polyamourous Singapore women. Results obtained are used as a basis for exploring the possibility of transmitting health messages like practicing safe sex through their social networks. These women are at considerably high risks of contracting STDs and HIV, therefore highlighting the importance of this study especially with regards to the fairly unstudied population. The women brought up more deficiency motivations as compared to abundance motivations for their sexual behaviours. Their social networks comprised people who were similar to them, although they did not heed safe sex advice from these like-minded people. Asian culture had inhibited them from disclosing such personal and intimate information to their parents or family members. This paper concludes with a discussion of implications for future health communication campaigns.Bachelor of Communication Studie

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