
Rights, responsibilities and redress? Research on policy and practice for Roma inclusion in ten Member States


Roma MATRIX (Mutual Action Targeting Racism, Intolerance and Xenophobia) was a two year project (2013-2015) co-funded by the European Union’s Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme. The project involved ten European Member States (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, and United Kingdom - hereafter referred to as the partner states). A total of 20 organisations were partners on the project representing a diverse range of agencies including non-government organisations (NGOs), Roma-led organisations, local government, universities and two private sector companies. A diverse programme of activities was undertaken which included network development, mentoring of people from Roma communities, conferences and workshops, capturing positive images and developing a public media campaign, etc. This work focused on four core areas which underpinned the Roma MATRIX project: Reporting and redress mechanisms for tackling anti-Gypsyism; Roma children in the care system; Employment; Cross-community relations and mediation. This summary report outlines the key research findings

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