
A New Astrophysical "Triptych": GRB030329/SN2003dh/URCA-2


We analyze the data of the Gamma-Ray Burst/Supernova GRB030329/SN2003dh system obtained by HETE-2 (GCN [1]), R-XTE (GCN [2]), XMM (Tiengo et al. [3]) and VLT (Hjorth et al. [4]) within our theory (Ruffini et al. [5] and references therein) for GRB030329. By fitting the only three free parameters of the EMBH theory, we obtain the luminosity in fixed energy bands for the prompt emission and the afterglow (see Fig.1). Since the Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) analysis is consistent with a spherically symmetric expansion, the energy of GRB030329 is E = 2.1 * 10^{52} erg, namely ~ 2 * 10^3 times larger than the Supernova energy. We conclude that either the GRB is triggering an induced-supernova event or both the GRB and the Supernova are triggered by the same relativistic process. In no way the GRB can be originated from the supernova. We also evidence that the XMM observations (Tiengo et al. [3]), much like in the system GRB980425/SN1998bw (Ruffini et al. [6], Pian et al. [7]), are not part of the GRB afterglow, as interpreted in the literature (Tiengo et al. [3]), but are associated to the Supernova phenomenon. A dedicated campaign of observations is needed to confirm the nature of this XMM source as a newly born neutron star cooling by generalized URCA processes.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, to appear in the Proceedings of the Los Alamos "Gamma Ray Burst Symposium" in Santa Fe, New Mexico, September 8-12 2003 (AIP Conf. Ser.), CHAPTER: GRB03032

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