Restorative Justice: What are Restorative Justice Strategies for Community Interventions?


With the rise of a victim focussed agenda, what is noted to be an influential development in recent years, within the Criminal Justice System (CJS), is the use of Restorative Justice (RJ) (Dignan & Maguire, 2005). The study had two interrelated aims: 1. To explore ways in which communities could be strengthened with the use of Restorative Justice (RJ), whilst also investigating. 2. If community RJ improves the life chances/ well-being, of individual members of the public. (Dignan & Maguire, 2005). To meet the aims, the study investigated what level of RJ Strategies are currently in practice to build, or restore, understandings of different cultures and beliefs, within communities, with an aim of providing harmony and peace among residents. The aims were addressed by examining differences of opinion between individual members of society who have partaken in the RJ process as, either a victim of crime or an offender, together with the opinions of individuals representing institutions such as South Yorkshire Police and RJ services. Interviews were conducted using ten participants, four represented institutions who deliver RJ, three had been a victim of crime and three were ex-offenders, who had been RJ service users (Participant table included in Appendix 8) The researcher chose thematic analysis to transcribe collected data and concludes that the findings support much existing data around the use of RJ. However, the study found that although RJ is a contemporary way of thinking, and many strategies are in place to strengthen Communities and improve life chances, limitations and some concerns exist. Public awareness and Education were two of the four themes found within this study which could prove problematic within the field of RJ. Findings revealed, there is a lack of understanding of RJ from the public. Education proved to be of concern both from an academic education, which links in with offending behaviour, together with a lack of education on RJ services. The two other themes, which arose during transcript, were Life chances and Victim focus, the latter echoes existing data, however, limitations around victim recruitment of services were found to be problematic. Results showed a positive change in lifestyle choices from individuals who participated in RJ services

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