
Knowledge Management and Organizational Performance in Pakistani Think Tanks


Acceptance of knowledge as strategic resource and increased interest towards Knowledge Management (KM) is guiding the way towards knowledge era. Rhetoric nature of knowledge, knowledge work and knowledge worker strongly demand for KM. Many countries had already adopted their knowledge goals and few still need the consideration. Among knowledge intensive organizations (KIOs) Think Tanks (TT) are unique being policy research intensive organizations. Think Tanks could serve as a bridge between state and society and their performance will have impact on both. Complex policy making process increases the challenge of measuring the influence of TT and knowledge management will strengthen them to meet the challenge. Pakistani TTs can build right national image which is highly ignored. Pakistani TTs, apparently unaware of KM, are not only having treasure of Knowledge Resources (KR) but also using KM to enhance their organizational performance (OP). KRs are found more important for them to perform than material resources. Their knowledge capital (KC) highly depends on their human and social capital. Moreover cultural values and norms, multiple languages, knowledgeable leadership and national spirit have impact on OP. They take dual credit of having impact on governmental policies-macro level and people’s perception-micro level. KM-OP relationship is of current interest in the relevant literature and practice. Complex multi- dimensional nature of KM demands for concept clarity and surety. Literature mostly presents the link for specified dimension and explicit KM programs but silent on its cohesive view. Knowledge and its management are independent of any explicit definition and implementation. Literature and practice provides several example of KM failure because some specified dimension of it was selected and attempted for implementation. KM aligned with Organizational Strategy (OS) will underpin suitable processes, functions, methodology, technology, behaviour and structure in reference to strategic resource knowledge to achieve OP

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