
Review of creep deformation and rupture mechanism of P91 alloy for the development of creep damage constitutive equations under low stress level


This paper presents a review of creep deformation and rupture mechanism of P91 alloy for the development of its creep damage constitutive equations under lower stress level. Creep damage is one of the serious problems for the high temperature industries and computational approach (such as continuum damage mechanics) has been developed and used, complementary to the experimental approach, to assist safe operation. However, there are no ready creep damage constitutive equations to be used for prediction the lifetime for this type of alloy, partially under low stress. The paper reports a critical review on the deformation and damage evolution characteristics of this alloy, particularly under low stress, to form the physical base for the development of creep damage constitutive equations. It covers the influence of the stress level, states of stress, and the failure criterion

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