Avaliação das lesões teciduais hepaticas durante isquemia fria apos perfusão com analogo de prostaglandina E1 : estudo experimental em ratos


Orientador: Luiz Sergio LeonardiDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciencias MedicasResumo: Foi estudado o efeito de análogo de prostaglandina El sobre as lesões teciduais hepáticas que ocorrem durante o período de isquemia fria com o objetivo de verificar se sua utilização em solução de perfusão proporciona maior proteção ao parênquima hepático. Utilizou-se 30 ratos machos, divididos em dois grupos: controle, perfundido com solução de WISCOnsin e o segundo grupo perfundido com solução de Wisconsin acrescida de análogo de prostaglandina El (misoprostol). Foram colhidas biópsias imediatamente após a perfusão e depois com intervalos de 12, 18 e 24 horas após a perfusão. As variáveis estudadas em cada biópsia foram edema intersticial, degeneração hidrópica, degeneração gordurosa, lesão endotelial, lesão do epitélio biliar, necrose celular e infiltrado inflamatório. Essas variáveis foram comparadas em cada grupo com o teste de Mann-Whitney, para variáveis não paramétricas. Nos períodos de 12 e 18 horas não observou-se diferença significativa em nenhuma variável entre os grupos. No período de 24 horas foi observado uma diferença significativa (p<0,001) nas variáveis necrose celular, lesão endotelial e infiltrado inflamatório. Conclui-se que a utilização de análogo de prostaglandina E 1 na perfusão hepática confere proteção ao tecido hepático quando submetido a um período de isquemia mais prolongadoAbstract: The effect of prostaglandin El analogue in hepatic injury during cold ischenúa were evalueted in this study. The objective to verifY if occur attenuation in the ischemic liver damage. Thirty male rats were divided in two groups of 15 animaIs each: control, where was perfunded with University of Wisconsin solution and test group, which was perfunded with this solution added of prostaglandin El analogue (misoprostol). Biopsies were obtained immediately after perfusion and with 12, 18 and 24 hours after the perfusion. The variables analysed were tissular edema, hidropic changes, fatty changes, endothelium injury, bile duct injury, necrosis and inflammatory processo The Mann- Whitney test for non-parametric variables was used to compare the samples. In the period of 12 and 18 hours no statistical difIerences were found in biopsies. In the period of 24 hours necrosis, endothelium injury and inflammatory process were significant1y more (p < 0,001) in control group. The author conc1ued that utilization of prostaglandin E 1 analogue in hepatic perfusion has a protective effect ofhepatic tissue injury during prolongated storage. The effect of prostaglandin El analogue in hepatic injury during cold ischenúa were evalueted in this study. The objective to verifY if occur attenuation in the ischemic liver damage. Thirty male rats were divided in two groups of 15 animaIs each: control, where was perfunded with University of Wisconsin solution and test group, which was perfunded with this solution added of prostaglandin El analogue (misoprostol). Biopsies were obtained immediately after perfusion and with 12, 18 and 24 hours after the perfusion. the variables analysed were tissular edema, hidropic changes, fatty changes, endothelium injury, bile duct injury, necrosis and inflammatory processo The Mann- Whitney test for non-parametric variables was used to compare the samples. In the period of 12 and 18 hours no statistical difIerences were found in biopsies. In the period of 24 hours necrosis, endothelium injury and inflammatory process were significant1y more (p < 0,001) in control group.The author conc1ued that utilization of prostaglandin E 1 analogue in hepatic perfusion has a protective effect ofhepatic tissue injury during prolongatedstorageMestradoCirurgiaMestre em Cirurgi

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